The TOM uses a number of custom widgets to display information in a more user-friendly way. These widgets are
implemented as Django template tags and can be used in any template.
Be sure to include {% load tom_common_extras %}
at the top of your template to load the required tags.
Popup Notification (Toast):¶
If you wish to add a small, but obvious, non-intrusive popup notification that will temporarily appear at the top of the page (commonly referred to as a Toast Notification), the TOMtoolkit provides the following strategy to do so.
Add the toast class to a div to create a temporary notification at the top of the TOM. Add something like the following codeblock to your template. Anything that can trigger a javascript function can be used to show the toast.
<button onclick="ShowToast()">Show Toast</button>
<div id="toast_window" class="toast">Thing inside the toast window! </div>
{% block scripts %}
function ShowToast() {
// Get the toast DIV
var x = document.getElementById("toast_window");
// Add the "show" class to DIV
x.className += " show";
// After 3 seconds, remove the show class from DIV
setTimeout(function(){ x.className = x.className.replace("show", ""); }, 3000);
{% endblock scripts %}
Change the background color of the toast by adding a class to the toast div.
i.e. class="toast warning"
will change the background color to yellow (unless you have changed your root colors):
- The following classes are available: