

An inelegant way of passing filters in query parameters while updating observation statuses. Used in ObservationListView to retain filters.


This converts SAMPLE_TITLE into Sample Title. Used for display all-caps observation type in the tabs as titles.


Displays the observation buttons for all facilities available in the TOM.


Renders a form for adding an existing API-based observation to a Target.


Renders a form for updating the observation ID for an ObservationRecord.


Displays tabs in observation creation form representing each available observation type.

tom_observations.templatetags.observation_extras.facility_observation_form(context, target, facility, observation_type)

Displays a form for submitting an observation for a specific facility and observation type, e.g., imaging.

tom_observations.templatetags.observation_extras.observation_plan(target, facility=None, length=2, interval=60, airmass_limit=None)

Displays form and renders plot for visibility calculation. Using this templatetag to render a plot requires that the context of the parent view have values for start_time, end_time, and airmass.

tom_observations.templatetags.observation_extras.observation_list(context, target=None)

Displays a list of all observations in the TOM, limited to an individual target if specified.


Renders the form for running an observation template.


Renders a button that will pre-populate and observation template form with parameters from the specified ObservationRecord.


Displays a plot showing on a map the locations of all observations recorded in the TOM.


Collect the facility status from the registered facilities and pass them to the facility_status.html partial template. See lco.py Facility implementation for example. :return: