Running asynchronous background tasks ------------------------------------- When you are using your TOM via the web interface, the code that is running in the background is tied to the request/response cycle. What this means is that when you click a button or link in the TOM, your browser constructs a web request, which is then sent to the web server running your TOM. The TOM receives this request and then runs a bunch of code, ultimately to generate a response that gets sent back to the browser. This response is what you see when the next page loads. For the purposes of this explanation, this all happens *synchronously*, meaning that your browser has to wait for your TOM to respond before displaying the next page. :: ---------- request ---------- | | -------------> | | | browser | response | TOM | | | <------------- | | ---------- ---------- But what happens if your TOM performs some compute or IO heavy task while constructing the response? One example would be running a source extraction on a data product after a user uploads it to your TOM. Normally, the browser will just wait for the response. This results in an agonizing wait time for the user as they watch the browser’s loading spinner slowly rotate. Eventually they will give up and either reload the page or close it completely. In fact, according to a study by Akamai, 50% of web users will not wait longer than 10-15 seconds for a page to load before giving up. The way we avoid these wait times is to run our slow code *asynchronously* in the background, in a separate thread or process. In this model the TOM responds to the browser with a response immediately, before the slow code has even finished. :: ---------- request ---------- task ----------- | | -------------> | | --------> | | | browser | response | TOM | result | worker | | | <------------- | | <-------- | | ---------- ---------- ----------- A very common scenario is sending email. Many web applications require the functionality of sending mail at some point. Let’s say the PI of a project has the option to mass notify their CIs that observations have been taken. Usually, sending email takes a very short amount of time, but it is still good practice to remove it from the request/response cycle, just in case it takes longer than usual or errors in some way. In this tutorial, we will go over how to run tasks asynchronously in your TOM if you have the need to do so. Running tasks with Dramatiq ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `Dramatiq `__ is a task processing library for python. Simply put: it allows you to define functions as *actors* and then execute those function using *workers*. None of this can happen without a *broker*, though, which is the piece that is responsible for passing messages from the *web process* to the *workers*. Installing Redis ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Unfortunately, the broker is a separate piece of software outside of the task library. Dramatiq supports using either RabbitMQ or Redis. We’ll use Redis because of its versatility: not only can it be used as a message broker but it can also be used in your TOM as a cache (though not covered in this tutorial). Depending on your OS, there are a few ways to `install Redis `__. Using Docker '''''''''''' One of the easiest ways to install Redis is to use Docker: :: docker run --name tom-redis -d -p6379:6379 redis Building from source '''''''''''''''''''' You can also download Redis directly from the website and compile it: :: $ wget $ tar xzf redis-5.0.5.tar.gz $ cd redis-5.0.5 $ make You can now run the server with: :: ./src/redis-server Using a package manager ''''''''''''''''''''''' If you are running Linux, most likely Redis is included with your distribution via its package manager. For example: :: apt install Redis Whichever way works for you, we should now have a Redis server up and running and listening on port 6379. Installing Dramatiq ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Now that we have our broker running, we can install and configure our TOM to run Dramatiq. Start by installing the required dependencies into your virtualenv: :: pip install 'dramatiq[watch, redis]' django-dramatiq `django-dramatiq `__ will offer us some conveniences while working with tasks in our TOM. Install django-dramatiq to your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting, above the tom_* apps: .. code:: python INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'django_gravatar', 'django_dramatiq', 'tom_targets', ... ] Add a section for dramatiq in ````: .. code:: python DRAMATIQ_BROKER = { "BROKER": "dramatiq.brokers.redis.RedisBroker", "OPTIONS": { "url": "redis://localhost:6379", }, "MIDDLEWARE": [ "dramatiq.middleware.AgeLimit", "dramatiq.middleware.TimeLimit", "dramatiq.middleware.Callbacks", "dramatiq.middleware.Retries", "django_dramatiq.middleware.AdminMiddleware", "django_dramatiq.middleware.DbConnectionsMiddleware", ] } If you want to store the results of your tasks add a section in ```` for that as well: .. code:: python DRAMATIQ_RESULT_BACKEND = { "BACKEND": "dramatiq.results.backends.redis.RedisBackend", "BACKEND_OPTIONS": { "url": "redis://localhost:6379", }, "MIDDLEWARE_OPTIONS": { "result_ttl": 60000 } } Now that all the settings are in place, we need to run a `` migrate`` in order to create the ``django_dramatiq`` table. Then, we can test installation by starting up some workers: :: ./ rundramatiq If all goes well you will see output that looks like this: :: % ./ rundramatiq * Discovered tasks module: 'django_dramatiq.tasks' * Running dramatiq: "dramatiq --path . --processes 8 --threads 8 --watch . django_dramatiq.setup django_dramatiq.tasks" [2019-08-21 17:52:30,216] [PID 27267] [MainThread] [dramatiq.MainProcess] [INFO] Dramatiq '1.6.1' is booting up. Worker process is ready for action. Your task workers are up and running! Writing a task ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Now that we have some workers, lets put them to work. In order to do that we’ll write a task. Create a file ``mytom/myapp/`` where ``myapp`` is a django app you’ve installed into ``INSTALLED_APPS``. If you haven’t started one, you can do so with: :: ./ startapp myapp In ````: .. code:: python import dramatiq import time import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def super_complicated_task():'starting task...') time.sleep(2)'still running...') time.sleep(2)'done!') This task will emulate a function that blocks for 4 seconds, in practice this would be a network call or some kind of heavy processing task. Now open up a Django shell: :: ./ shell_plus And import and call the task: :: In [1]: from myapp.tasks import super_complicated_task In [2]: super_complicated_task.send() Out[2]: Message(queue_name='default', actor_name='super_complicated_task', args=(), kwargs={}, options={'redis_message_id': '667821da-f236-4c4e-969a-9d1f1ff54be2'}, message_id='2c8893d8-4211-4cac-b0b9-0f2e9672d0ae', message_timestamp=1566416600481) In the terminal where you started the dramatiq workers (not the django shell!) you should see the following output: :: starting task... still running... done! Notice how calling the task returned immediately in the shell, but the task took a few seconds to complete. This is how it would work in practice in your django app: Somewhere in your code, for example in your app’s ````, you would import the task just like we did in the terminal. Now when the view gets called, the task will be queued for execution and the response can be sent back to the user’s browser right away. The task will finish in the background. Conclusion ^^^^^^^^^^ In this tutorial we went over the need for asynchronous tasks, the installation of Dramatiq and the broker, and finally writing a running a task. We recommend reading the `Dramatiq `__ documentation for full details on what the library is capable of, as well as additional usage examples.