Example TOMs


The Supernova Exchange is an interface for viewing and sharing observational data of supernovae, and for requesting and managing observations with the Las Cumbres Observatory network. In order to make it more maintainable, it is being rewritten from scratch using the TOM Toolkit, which has already resulted in orders of magnitude fewer lines of code. The code can be found and referenced on Github.

Asteroid Tracker

Asteroid Tracker is an educational TOM built by Edward Gomez for Asteroid Day. It allows students and teachers to submit one-click observations of specific asteroids and see the resulting images. Originally built from scratch, it’s being rewritten using the TOM Toolkit, which will allow the underlying TOM to be used with multiple front-ends for completely different educational purposes.

Microlensing TOM (MOP)

The Microlensing Observing Platform is the core interface of the OMEGA Key Project. It is designed to harvest and prioritize microlensing events from various surveys, then submit additional observations with the Las Cumbres Observatory telescopes automatically.


The ROME/REA TOM is being built to manage ROME/REA photometry for the LCO key project of the same name.

Calibration TOM

LCO is rewriting an existing piece of software that automatically schedules nightly telescope calibrations using the TOM Toolkit called the Calibration TOM.


The PANOPTES TOM is being built to enable their community to coordinate observations for the PANOPTES citizen science project, which aims to detect transiting exoplanets.


Black Hole TOM

Black Hole TOM (BHTOM) aims at coordinating the photometric and spectroscopic follow-up observations of targets requiring long-term monitoring. This includes long lasting microlensing events reported by Gaia and other surveys, likely caused by galactic black holes. The system lists targets according to their priorities and allows for triggering robotic observations. It also allows users of any partner observatory to submit their raw photometric and spectroscopic data, which gets automatically processed and calibrated. BHTOM is developed as part of the Time Domain Astronony work package of the European OPTICON grant by the team at the University of Warsaw, Poland, with support from LCO. Website: http://visata.astrouw.edu.pl:8080


The ALeRCE TOM is used by the ALeRCE team to submit follow-up observations on ZTF targets from the ALeRCE broker module, which uses the ALeRCE Database API.


The ANTARES TOM is built by the ANTARES team to connect to the ANTARES alert broker via the ANTARES broker module. In addition, the ANTARES TOM can gather public light curves from ZTF and spectra from TNS for each target in an automatic and programmatic manner (see example notebook). It is being used by the ANTARES team to share target information and coordinate follow-up with facilities from the Astronomical Event Observatory Network (AEON).


There are a few other TOMs in development that we’re aware of, but if you’re developing a TOM, feel free to contribute to this page, or let us know and we’ll take care of it for you.