
tom_dataproducts.templatetags.dataproduct_extras.dataproduct_list_for_target(context, target)

Given a Target, returns a list of DataProduct objects associated with that Target

tom_dataproducts.templatetags.dataproduct_extras.dataproduct_list_for_observation_saved(data_products, request)

Given a dictionary of dataproducts from an ObservationRecord, returns the subset that are saved to the TOM. This templatetag paginates the subset of DataProduct, and therefore requires the request to have a ‘page_saved’ key.

This templatetag is intended to be used with the all_data_products() method from a facility, as it returns a dictionary with keys of saved and unsaved that have values of lists of DataProduct objects.


Given a dictionary of dataproducts from an ObservationRecord, returns a list of the subset that are not saved to the TOM.

This templatetag is intended to be used with the all_data_products() method from a facility, as it returns a dictionary with keys of saved and unsaved that have values of lists of DataProduct objects.


Returns the full list of data products in the TOM, with the most recent first.

tom_dataproducts.templatetags.dataproduct_extras.recent_photometry(target, limit=1)

Displays a table of the most recent photometric points for a target.

tom_dataproducts.templatetags.dataproduct_extras.get_photometry_data(context, target, target_share=False)

Displays a table of the all photometric points for a target.

tom_dataproducts.templatetags.dataproduct_extras.photometry_for_target(context, target, width=700, height=600, background=None, label_color=None, grid=True)

Renders a photometric plot for a target.

This templatetag requires all ReducedDatum objects with a data_type of photometry to be structured with the following keys in the JSON representation: magnitude, error, filter

  • width (int) – Width of generated plot

  • height – Height of generated plot

  • background (str) – Color of the background of generated plot. Can be rgba or hex string.

  • label_color (str) – Color of labels/tick labels. Can be rgba or hex string.

  • grid (bool) – Whether to show grid lines.

tom_dataproducts.templatetags.dataproduct_extras.spectroscopy_for_target(context, target, dataproduct=None)

Renders a spectroscopic plot for a Target. If a DataProduct is specified, it will only render a plot with that spectrum.

tom_dataproducts.templatetags.dataproduct_extras.reduceddatum_sparkline(target, height, spacing=5, color_map=None, limit_y=True, days=32)

Renders a small lightcurve, sometimes referred to as a “sparkline”, that is meant to be placed inline with other elements on a page. The purpose is to give a quick visual representation of the general lightcurve of a target. The plot will only consist of points. There are no axis labels.

  • height (int) – Height of generated plot in pixels. No default.

  • spacing (int) – Spacing between individual points in pixels. Default 5.

  • color_map (dict) – A map of ‘r’, ‘g’, ‘i’ to the colors rendered for that filter.

  • limit_y (bool) – Whether to limit the y-axis to the min/max of detections. If false, the mix/max will also include non-detections. Default True.

  • days (int) – The number of days in the past, relative to today, of datapoints to render. Default is 32.