*************** Data Processing *************** The TOM is configured with built-in data processing on the upload of Data Products. This processing is broken up into three components. * ``tom_dataproducts.data_processor.run_data_processor`` * ``tom_dataproducts.data_processor.DataProcessor`` * ``tom_dataproducts.data_serializers`` The ``DataProductUploadView`` calls ``run_data_processor`` upon saving the ``DataProduct``. ``run_data_processor`` instantiates the ``DATA_PROCESSOR_CLASS``, which can be specified in ``settings.py``. ``run_data_processor`` then processes the uploaded ``DataProduct`` based on the tag value, which can either be Photometry or Spectroscopy. In the case of spectra, the default behavior is that ``DataProduct`` is converted into a ``specutils.Spectrum1D`` from either a CSV or a FITS file. The spectrum is multiplied by the flux constant of the facility it was taken at, or not multiplied. The ``Spectrum1D`` is then serialized into JSON for database via the ``SpectrumSerializer``. For photometry, the default behavior is simply to read the CSV and convert it to JSON for database storage. Data Serializers ---------------- .. autoclass:: tom_dataproducts.data_serializers.SpectrumSerializer :members: Data Processors --------------- .. autofunction:: tom_dataproducts.data_processor.run_data_processor .. autoclass:: tom_dataproducts.data_processor.DataProcessor :members: :private-members: :member-order: bysource