Creating an Alert Broker Module for the TOM Toolkit --------------------------------------------------- This guide will walk you through how to create a custom alert broker module using the TOM toolkit. At the end of this tutorial we will have a very simple module that connects to an "alert broker" (in this case a static json file) and allows us to ingest targets into our TOM. You can follow this example to build an alert broker module to connect to a real alert broker. Be sure you've followed the [Getting Started](/introduction/getting_started) guide before continuing onto this tutorial. ### What is an Alert Broker Module? A TOM Toolkit Alert Broker Module is an object which contains the logic for querying a remote broker (e.g [MARS](, and transforming the returned data into TOM Toolkit Targets. #### TOM Alerts module The TOM Alerts module is a Django app which provides the methods and classes needed to create a custom TOM alert broker module. A module may be created to ingest alerts of an arbitrary form from a remote source. The TOM Alerts module provides tools to transform these alerts into TOM-specific alerts to be used in the creation of TOM Targets. ### Project Structure After following the [Getting Started](/introduction/getting_started) guide, you will have a Django project directory of the form: ``` mytom ├── db.sqlite3 ├── └── mytom ├── ├── ├── └── ``` ### Creating a Broker Module In this example, we will create a broker named __MyBroker__. Begin by creating a file ``, and placing it in the inner `mytom/` directory of the project (in the directory with `` will contain the classes that define our custom TOM Alert Broker Module. Our custom broker module relies on the TOM Toolkit modules that were installed in the [Getting Started](/introduction/getting_started) guide. Begin by editing `` to import the necessary modules. ```python from tom_alerts.alerts import GenericQueryForm, GenericAlert, GenericBroker from tom_alerts.models import BrokerQuery from tom_targets.models import Target ``` In order to add custom forms to our broker module, we will also need Django's `forms` module. ```python from django import forms ``` See [Working with Django Forms]( Finally, import `requests` so that we can fetch some remote broker test data. ```python import requests ``` See [Requests Official API Docs]( #### Test Data In place of a remote broker, we've uploaded a [sample JSON file to GitHub Gist]( For our `` module to use this data, we will set `broker_url` to it. ``` broker_url = '' ``` #### Broker Forms To define the query forms for our custom broker module, we'll begin by creating class `MyBrokerForm` inside ``, which inherits the `tom_alert` module's `GenericQueryForm`. This will define the list of forms to be presented within the broker query. For our example, we'll be querying simply on target name. ```python class MyBrokerForm(GenericQueryForm): target_name = forms.CharField(required=True) ``` #### Broker Class To define our broker module, we'll create the class `MyBroker`, also inside of ``. Our broker class will encapsulate the logic for making queries to a remote alert broker, retrieving and sanitizing data, and creating TOM alerts from it. Begin by defining the class, its name and default form. In our case, the name will simply be 'MyBroker', and the form will be `MyBrokerForm` - the form that we just defined! ```python class MyBroker(GenericBroker): name = 'MyBroker' form = MyBrokerForm ``` #### Required Broker Class Methods Each TOM alert broker module is required to have a base set of class methods. These methods enable the conversion of remote alert data into TOM-specific alerts and targets. ##### `fetch_alerts` Class Method `fetch_alerts` is used to query the remote broker, and return an iterator of results depending on the parameters passed into the query, so that these results may be displayed on the query results page. In our case, `fetch_alerts` will only filter on name, but this can be easily extended to other query parameters. ```python @classmethod def fetch_alerts(clazz, parameters): response = requests.get(broker_url) response.raise_for_status() test_alerts = response.json() return iter([alert for alert in test_alerts if alert['name'] == parameters['name']]) ``` **Why an iterator?** Because some alert brokers work by sending streams, not fully evaluated lists. This simple example broker could easily return a list (in fact we are coercing the list into an iterator!) but that would not work in the model where a broker is sending an unending stream of alerts. Our implementation will get a response from our test broker source, check that our request was successful, and return a iterator of alerts whose name field matches the name passed into the query. ##### `to_generic_alert` Class Method In order to standardize alerts and display them in a consistent manner, the `GenericAlert` class has been defined within the `tom_alerts` library. This broker method converts a remote alert into a TOM Toolkit `GenericAlert`. ```python @classmethod def to_generic_alert(clazz, alert): return GenericAlert( timestamp=alert['timestamp'], url=broker_url, id=alert['id'], name=alert['name'], ra=alert['ra'], dec=alert['dec'], mag=alert['mag'], score=alert['score'] ) ``` In our case, the `GenericAlert` attributes match up *almost* directly with our test data. How convenient! We'll just go ahead and define the `GenericAlert`'s `url` field as the `broker_url` we retrieved our test data from. ```python ... url=broker_url, ... ``` #### Other methods `fetch_alerts` and `to_generic_alert` are the only methods required for your broker module to function. Of course you are free to add any number of additional methods or attributes to the module that you deem necessary. ### Using Our New Alert Broker Now that we've created our TOM alert broker, let's hook it into our TOM so that we can ingest alerts and create targets. The `tom_alerts` module will look in `` for a list of alert broker classes, so we'll need to add `MyBroker` to that list. ```python TOM_ALERT_CLASSES = [ ... 'tom_alerts.brokers.mars.MARSBroker', 'mytom.my_broker.MyBroker', ... ] ``` Now, navigate to the top-level directory of your Django project, where `` resides and run ```bash ./ makemigrations ./ migrate ./ runserver ``` Navigate to []( You should now see 'MyBroker' listed as a broker! Clicking the link will bring you to the query page, where you can make a query to our sample dataset. ![](/_static/create_broker_doc/success_broker_list.png) #### Making a Query Since we're only going to be filtering on the alert's 'target_name' field, we're only presented with that option. Name the query whatever you'd like, and we'll check our remote data source for a target named 'Tatooine' ![](/_static/create_broker_doc/example_query.png) Going back to [](, our new query will appear. Click the 'run' button to run the query. ![](/_static/create_broker_doc/populated_query_list.png) The query result will be presented. ![](/_static/create_broker_doc/query_result.png) To create a target from any query result, click the 'create target' button. To view the raw alert data, click the 'view' link. [Click here]( to view the full source code detailed in this example.