TOM Specific Settings

The following is a list of TOM Specific settings to be added/edited in your project’s For explanations of Django specific settings, see the official documentation.


Default: ‘READ_ONLY’

Determines how your TOM treats unauthenticated users. A value of READ_ONLY allows unauthenticated users to view most pages on your TOM, but not to change anything. A value of LOCKED requires all users to login before viewing any page. Use the OPEN_URLS setting for adding exemptions.



    ('SPECTROSCOPY', 'Spectroscopy'),
    ('PHOTOMETRY', 'Photometry')

A list of machine readable, human readable tuples which determine the choices available to categorize reduced data.


Default: []

A list of extra fields to add to your targets. These can be used if the predefined target fields do not match your needs. Please see the documentation on Adding Custom Fields to Targets for an explanation of how to use this feature.



    'LCO': {
        'portal_url': '',
        'api_key': os.getenv('LCO_API_KEY', ''),

Observation facilities read their configuration values from this dictionary. Although each facility is different, if you plan on using one you’ll probably have to configure it here first. For example the LCO facility requires you to provide a value for the api_key configuration value.



    'target_post_save': 'tom_common.hooks.target_post_save',
    'observation_change_state': 'tom_common.hooks.observation_change_state'

A dictionary of action, method code hooks to run. These hooks allow running arbitrary python code when specific actions happen within a TOM, such as an observation changing state. See the documentation on Running Custom Code on Actions in your TOM for more details.


Default: []

With an AUTH_STRATEGY value of LOCKED, urls in this list will remain visible to unauthenticated users. You might add the homepage (‘/’), for example.


Default: No default

Can be either SIDEREAL or NON_SIDEREAL. This settings determines the default target type for your TOM. TOMs can still create and work with targets of both types even after this option is set, but setting it to one of the values will optimize the workflow for that target type.




A list of tom alert classes to make available to your TOM. If you have written or downloaded additional alert classes you would make them available here. If you’d like to write your own alert module please see the documentation on Creating an Alert Module for the TOM Toolkit.




A list of observation facility classes to make available to your TOM. If you have written or downloaded a custom observation facility you would add the class to this list to make your TOM load it.




A list of TOM harverster classes to make available to your TOM. If you have written or downloaded additional harvester classes you would make them available here.