Getting Started with the TOM Toolkit ------------------------------------ So you've decided to run a Target Observation Manager. This article will help you get started. The TOM Toolkit is a [Django]( project. This means you'll be running an application based on the Django framework when you run a TOM. If you decide to customize your TOM, you'll be working in Django. You'll likely need some basic understanding of python and we recommend all users work their way through the [Django tutorial]( first before starting with the TOM Toolkit. It doesn't take long, and you most likely won't need to utilize any advanced features. Ready to go? Let's get started. ### Prerequisites The TOM toolkit requires Python >= 3.7 and numpy to be installed: pip install numpy If you are using Python 3.6 and cannot upgrade to 3.7, install the `dataclasses` backport: pip install dataclasses If you are on MacOS, you will need to install libmagic for filetype detection. It's easy to install with Homebrew: brew install libmagic If you need to install Homebrew, there is a single-line installation command that can be found on the [website]( /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" ### Installing the TOM Toolkit and Django First, we recommend using a [virtual environment]( for your project. This will keep your TOM python packages seperate from your system python packages. python3 -m venv tom_env/ Now that we have created the virtual environment, we can activate it: source tom_env/bin/activate You should now see `(tom_env)` prepended to your terminal prompt. Now, install the TOM Toolkit: pip install tomtoolkit ...and create a new project, just like in the tutorial: django-admin startproject mytom You should now have a fully functional standard Django installation inside the `mytom` folder, with the TOM dependencies installed as well. ### Getting started with the `tom_setup` script. We need to add the `tom_setup` app to our project's `INSTALLED_APPS`. Locate the `` file inside your project directory (usually in a subdirectory of the main folder, i.e. mytom/mytom/ and edit it so that it looks like this: ```python INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'tom_setup', ] ``` ### Run the setup script The `tom_setup` app contains a script that will bootstrap a new TOM in your current project. Run it: ./ tom_setup The install script will ask you a few questions and then install your TOM. ### Running the dev server Now that the toolkit is installed, you're ready to try it out! First, run the necessary migrations: ./ migrate Now, start the dev server: ./ runserver Your new TOM should now be running on [](! ### Compatibility Notes If you're on Mac OS, it should be noted that the Antares client library has a dependency that only supports Mac OS 10.13 or later. If you try to run `./ migrate` on an earlier version, you may see an error. In this case, you can still use the TOM Toolkit, but not Antares. Get running by removing Antares from the following list in ``: ``` TOM_ALERT_CLASSES = [ 'tom_alerts.brokers.mars.MARSBroker', 'tom_alerts.brokers.lasair.LasairBroker', 'tom_alerts.brokers.scout.ScoutBroker', 'tom_alerts.brokers.antares.AntaresBroker', 'tom_alerts.brokers.alerce.ALeRCEBroker' ] ```